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IIAM Committees with roles & responsibilities.

IIAM Committees’ Terms of References (TOR).

Executive Committee - EXCO

Roles & Responsibilities

• Review operational issues with regards to the execution of action plans by following departments: Membership, Certification & Academic Relations, Professional Development, Research & Technical Educational Product, Finance and Corporate Services;
• Recommend or revise guidelines or policies pertaining to the administration of the IIAM;
• Review the performance of the Secretariat so as to maintain a high standard of performance in the daily administration of the IIAM.

Audit and Risk Management Committee - ARMC

Roles & Responsibilities

• The committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities, specifically:
• To appoint and remove external/internal auditors;
• To review the annual financial statements;
• To review the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control system of the IIAM.

Disciplinary Committee - DC

Roles & Responsibilities

• Disciplinary Committee comprises a chairperson (designated) and other Governors who would be appointed to address any disciplinary matters pertaining to member’s misconduct as they arise. A specific terms of reference was adopted by the Board to ensure the Committee is independent and has direct reporting to the Board.

Nomination & Remuneration Committee - NRC

Roles & Responsibilities

Nomination & Remuneration Committee (NRC) comprise of 3 members, of which all members should be Board of Governors with at least one being a Past President or Senior Existing Governor of the Institute. The NRC is responsible for reviewing composition of Board of Governors (BOG), evaluate their performance, review the succession planning of Executive Committee (EXCO) and Executive Director (ED). NRC shall also nominate and recommend to the BOG suitable candidates to serve on any IIA Global Committee or any regional Committee. A specific term of reference was adopted by the Board to ensure the Committee is independent and has direct reporting to the Board.

Certification & Academic Relations Committee - CARC

Roles & Responsibilities

Promote the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification as the only professional qualification for internal auditors, internal audit education partnership with local institutions of higher learning and specialty certification programmes promoted by the IIAM as the recognised certifications for practitioners.

Professional Development Committee -PDC

Roles & Responsibilities

Oversees the overall professional development plans of the IIAM such as the training programmes, workshops and conferences that are planned for each year.

Professional Services Committee - PSC

Roles & Responsibilities

• To ensure that the services accorded to members are relevant;
• To create more awareness on the benefits and services of the IIAM; and
• To increase the number of individual, corporate and
audit committee members of the IIAM towards
increasing the standards of the internal audit

Research & Technical Advisory Committee - RTAC

Roles & Responsibilities

Oversee the development of the profession and the trend through the support of research grants accorded for researches relating to governance, risk and control. The RTAC also ensures that articles which are relevant to the profession are collated and broadcasted to the members through the e-techline or other publications.

Internal Quality Assurance Committee - IQAC

Roles & Responsibilities

• To assess consistency on QAR practices carried out by the QAR team as per QA Manual.
• To review feedback from clients’ organisations.
• To report a summary of findings and recommendations, information and appointment of external assessors and performance of external assessors on a bi-annual basis to the Board of Governors.
• To approve the appointment of a new external assessor based on the recommendation by the Head, Technical & Quality Assurance.
• To approve Procedures on QAR, QA Plan and QAR Fees Structure.
• To deliver added value by assessing the presence and efficacy of the review and monitoring processes for IQA assignments, ensuring the consistent delivery of high- quality QAR assignments to our clients in alignment with established standards.
• To uphold the integrity and impartiality of the IQA Committee, participation in the committee must be free from any conflicts of interest.